Michael Sandridge
What is the most important thing you want other survivors to know?
It is extremely important to know that you are not alone. The emotional and physical horror that happened to you, has also happened to other guys (boys). You are reading this and thus you are a survivor — many boys did not survive. There is help available. Do not be afraid to seek it out. You will never get over what has happened to you, but you can get through it and begin to heal. Always remember that the brutal situation you went through was in no way your fault. You were a victim of a calculating sociopath.
Why did you want to participate in making PROCESSION?
I am a visual person. By participating in this never before approach to documentary film making, I perceived the chance of helping other guys who went through the same horrific and disgusting situation that I had gone through. As the saying goes, "A picture is worth a thousand words". It was a great privilege to be involved in the first time process of melding two disciplines together. A unique approach to a subject matter that continues to be swept under the rug to this day. We (the "cast") saw a way to expose the corruption and heartbreak that has happened and continues to be an ongoing travesty. A chance to say ENOUGH — and that help is available
How to Reach Michael
You can connect with Michael by email or on Facebook.